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Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Deep learning has achieved formidable results in the image analysis field in recent years, in many cases exceeding human performance. This success opens paths for new applications, entrepreneurship and research, while making the field very competitive.

This course aims at providing the students with the theoretical and practical basis for understanding and using deep learning for image analysis applications.


Fall 2023 edition: IASD master

Courses will take place at:

PariSanté Campus

2-10 rue Rue d'Oradour-sur-Glane 

75015 PARIS

Schedules and classrooms are available here:

Winter 2022-2023 edition: IASD master

Courses will take place at:

PariSanté Campus (Classroom S 0.8)

2-10 rue Rue d'Oradour-sur-Glane 75015 PARIS

According to the following schedule:

Date Time
06/01 13h45
13/01 13h35
20/01 13h45
27/01 13h45
03/02 13h45
10/02 13h45
17/02 13h45
24/02 13h45

The course material is available here:

deep/start.1725542828.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/05 13:27 by edecenciere
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