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deep:start [2024/09/05 13:26] – [Winter 2019 edition: IASD Master] edecencieredeep:start [2024/10/22 09:33] (current) – [Fall 2024 edition: Mines Paris - PSL] edecenciere
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   * [[https://thomaswalter.github.io/ | Thomas Walter]]   * [[https://thomaswalter.github.io/ | Thomas Walter]]
   * [[https://people.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/~velasco | Santiago Velasco-Forero]]   * [[https://people.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/~velasco | Santiago Velasco-Forero]]
-  * Samy Blusseau 
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-===== Fall 2023 edition: IASD master =====+===== Fall 2024 edition: Mines Paris - PSL =====
-Courses will take place at:+The course slides and notebooks are available [[https://cloud.minesparis.psl.eu/index.php/s/S0sCwboanBjohxZ | here]] .
-PariSanté Campus 
-2-10 rue Rue d'Oradour-sur-Glane +===== Fall 2024 edition: IASD master =====
-75015 PARIS+The course slides are available [[https://cloud.minesparis.psl.eu/index.php/s/b8kQVagvawPJKiB | here]].
-Schedules and classrooms are available here: 
 +Schedules and classrooms are available  [[https://ade.dauphine.psl.eu/direct/index.jsp?data=6e04da9212376a50dcd46bdf83c3daf0f19f9a7faa7478a794c55af182526496a085a8d6541735755fa3791beff02347a64bbea0a776d13a1df4c8f0ac27402d966829971dd1e43809d737056c46e6d92c0a236880be6aa38930f7140b2e802964348429da8aa652370531afda641dbb16cd893462459e049fec27700419d81e166c54e36382c1aa3eb0ff5cb8980cdb,1&resources=13132 | here.]]
 +=== Program ===
-===== Winter 2022-2023 edition: IASD master ===== 
-Courses will take place at: 
-PariSanté Campus (Classroom S 0.8) 
-2-10 rue Rue d'Oradour-sur-Glane 75015 PARIS 
-According to the following schedule: 
-| Date  | Time  |  
-| 06/01 | 13h45 |    
-| 13/01 | 13h35 |    
-| 20/01 | 13h45 |    
-| 27/01 | 13h45 |      
-| 03/02 | 13h45 |     
-| 10/02 | 13h45 |     
-| 17/02 | 13h45 |     
-| 24/02 | 13h45 |    
-The course material is available here: 
-===== Winter 2021-2022 edition: IASD master ===== 
-The course will be held at Mines Paris: 60 Bd. Saint-Michel (Paris 6ème). Classrooms are given in the timetable below. 
-Each session (except the first) will begin with two hours of lectures, followed by one hour of practical work. The students must bring their laptops with a configured WiFi access to eduroam. 
-Lessons and notebooks can be downloaded from: 
-<note important> 
-Note that the exam will be held at Dauphine university, **amphithéâtre 9**</note> 
-=== Timetable === 
-| Date  | Time  | Classroom |  
-| 12/01 | 8h30-11h45 |    L-224    
-| 19/01 | 8h30-11h45  |   L-118    | 
-| 26/01 | 8h30-11h45  |   L-213   | 
-| 02/02 | 8h30-11h45 |    V-106A    
-| 09/02 | 8h30-11h45  |   1-L-118    |  
-| 16/02 | 8h30-11h45  |   L-316   | 
-| 23/02 | 8h30-11h45     V-106A    
-| 09/03 | 8h30-11h45  |    L-109   |   
-| 23/03 (**exam**) | 10h00-11h30  |   Dauphine, Amphi 9    |   
-=== Internships and PhD thesis proposals at Mines Paris - CMM === 
-<note important> 
-[[https://www.cmm.minesparis.psl.eu/en/join-us/|Several internship and PhD positions are available at the CMM. Follow this link to consult them.]]</note> 
-===== Fall 2021 edition: MINES ParisTech (MP1523/5) ===== 
-=== Timetable === 
-| Date  | Time  | Classroom | Teaching assistant | 
-| 21/09 | 13h45 |  L-218     | Tarek Zenati | 
-| 28/09 | 13h35 |  L-213     | Mateus Sangalli | 
-| 05/10 | 13h45 |  L-118    | Daniel Zyss | 
-| 12/10 | 13h45 |  L-224     | Valentin Penaud-Polge  | 
-| 20/10 | ** 9h00 ** |   L-109    | Thomas Langrognet | 
-| 26/10 | 13h45 |   L-109   | Martin Bauw | 
-| 02/11 | 13h45  |  L-109    |  | 
-| 9/11 | 13h45 |  L-218       | 
-===== Winter 2020 edition: IASD Master  ===== 
-=== Invited speakers === 
-  * Vincent Morard (General Electric) : AI for medical images: an industrial point of view 
-  * Bruno Figliuzzi (CMM, Mines Paris) : Segmentation d'images de rhéologie par réseaux de neurones convolutionnels 
-  * Sébastien Lefèvre (IRISA) : Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Challenges and Results 
-  * Claire-Hélène Demarty (InterDigital) : Deep Learning for post production in movie industry 
-  * Camille Breuil et Cédric Meurée (aiVision): L'aide au diagnostic chez aiVision: exemple de la rétinopathie diabétique 
-  * Diego Tuccillo (Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias): Deep learning applications in Astronomy 
-  * Martin Bauw (CMM, Mines Paris): détection d'anomalies 
-  * Valentin Penaud-Polge (CMM, Mines Paris): couches paramétriques 
-===== Fall 2020 edition: MINES ParisTech (MP1523/5) ===== 
-=== Travaux pratiques === 
-Link to download practical sessions material: 
-The following assignments will be available from: 
deep/start.1725542795.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/09/05 13:26 by edecenciere
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